
 It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the international conference on hydrogen technologies:

Hydrogen Days 2015.


Since the first international edition of this event in April 2014 met with significant interest from the

hydrogen community both on a national as well as an international scale, this has prompted us to

maintain this format for future events. The 2014 conference focused predominantly on providing

the participants with more general information on the vision of the hydrogen economy and related

technologies and on the current state-of-the-art of their application in these fields. The follow-up

event in 2015 will build up on this background by providing a more detailed overview of the latest

progress in this field. Nevertheless, information on the role of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint

Undertaking within the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme will also be covered. Thus,

besides catering for those interested in recent technological advances, Hydrogen Days 2015 will also

satisfy the needs of participants seeking information on a midterm research strategy on a European

level, including the instruments for its financial support.


Although it is expected that the majority of the participants will come from the Czech Republic, the

ambition of this event is to provide a bridge between Eastern and Western Europe, and to create

a forum to disseminate information on the state-of-the-art and to promote this technology in

countries currently lacking a clear mid and longterm vision. This will contribute towards promoting

hydrogen technologies beyond the regions traditionally strong in this field.

I wish all of us an interesting and successful meeting.


Karel Bouzek

Chairman of the Scientific Committee


The Final Programme

The Final Programme has been published, download here.