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back to homepageHYTEP – Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform

Short programme


29. 3. 2023 (Wednesday) – Empiria Hall

Opening & Welcome
9:00 – 10:00

Overview of hydrogen policies, strategies and research activities
10:00 – 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 – 11:40

German vision for Hydrogen Implementation
11:40 – 13:00

13:00 – 14:00
Poster Session
14:00 – 14:40

Overview of hydrogen research strategies and hydrogen activities
14:40 – 16:10

Coffee Break
16:10 – 16:30
Role of hydrogen in energy transition
16:30 – 18:10


30. 3. 2023 (Thursday) – Scientific part – Empiria Hall

9:00 – 9:40

High-temperature processes for hydrogen production
9:40 – 10:40
Coffee Break
10:40 – 11:20

Alkaline Water Electrolysis
11:20 – 12:40

12:40 – 13:40
PEM Fuel Cells & Electrolysers
13:40 – 15:20
Coffee Break
15:20 – 16:00

Economic and environmental impact of hydrogen production
16:00 – 17:20

Conference Dinner

30. 3. 2023 (Thursday) – Educational part – Tower Hall

Introduction to hydrogen technologies fundamentals

Cofee Break
15:40 – 16:00
Company project presentations
16:00 – 16:40
Conference Dinner

31. 3. 2023 (Friday) – Empiria Hall

Hydrogen technologies in transportation
9:00 – 10:40

Coffee Break
10:40 – 11:00
Hydrogen in commercial applications
11:00 – 12:20

Student Awards & Closing Ceremony
12:20 – 12:40

12:40 – 13:40


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